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Linux On Android

Ubuntu Dual Boot Installer Allow Users To Easily Create Android-Ubuntu Dual Boot System On Their Mobile Phone

The beauty of Android is that it allows users the flexibility to tweak things to the extent that their devices can run other operating-systems. Ubuntu Dual Boot Installer takes advantage of this and has now released an app allowing users to run Ubuntu and Android on a single device as a dual-boot system. A user can install and use fully functional Android and Ubuntu images and switch between them easily, on each-side, an app with a simple user interface enables them to boot back and forth at the tap of a button.

Android-Ubuntu Dual Boot

Free Ubuntu Installer Android Market App allows you to install and use Ubuntu on your Android mobile device

Want to enjoy the popular desktop Linux OS Ubuntu on your Android powered mobile device, it can't get easier than this - the free "Ubuntu Installer" app from Android Market. The application allows users to install and run "Ubuntu" inside Android - The market application installs an customized Ubuntu 10.10 image optimized for the ARM processor allowing users to run a full Ubuntu system within android. The great thing is users can make calls, text, and use other android features without having to reboot their phones.

Download links, video demonstration and features after the jump.

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