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Update For MAC

Direct Download Links For Apple OS X Mountain Lion Update v10.8.5

Apple OS X Mountain Lion Update v 10.8.5 is a recommended update which improves stability, compatibility, and security of your Apple Mac computer. The update can be freely downloaded from Apple Mac Appstore, but if you need direct download links with resume capabilities use the links shared at the end of this post.

Apple OS X Mountain Lion Update v10.8.5

Apple OS X Mountain Lion Update v10.8.4 Direct Download Links

Few days ago, Apple made OS X Mountain Lion v10.8.4 Final update public. The update is recommended for all OS X Mountain Lion users and features a number of fixes to improve the overall operating-system stability, compatibility, and security. The update is available for immediate download via Apple Mac Store, users having difficulty downloading the update from there can directly download using the links shared below using any download manager with convenience of multi-threaded download with resume support.

Mac OS X Combo Update 10.8.4

Getting rid of Apple OS X update annoyance which blocks shutdown and restart of computer

Upgrading to Apple OS X Mountain Lion does introduces it's own set of annoyances, and one of them is auto system updates which does not allow system to power down until finished. With a slow internet speed and GB's of update to download this can be a real annoyance, as shown in the screenshot below the update would take more then a day to finish.

MAC Appstore updates

Luckily, there is a way out as demonstrated below.

How to manually download updates from Apple Mac AppStore

Apple's MAC OS X built-in software upgrade utility gets the work done, but if you are looking for something more powerful with ability to pause and resume downloads there exists an alternative method.

Apple provides users with direct download links to software's and updates on there website, users can grab these links and download via there choice of download manager utility with pause and resume support.

Apple MAC Update
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