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NexPhone - a smartphone that becomes a tablet, laptop and a desktop

If we look at hardware specifications of today's smartphones they are more then capable to run an powerful desktop or laptop computer, so wouldn't it be a "smart idea" to use a single smartphone hardware all across your devices like tablet, laptop and desktop ?

The idea of a single brain multi-utility computing device like RollTop is not new, but new startup NexPhone is not only modern, practical and innovative but it takes this to an all new level. By using a single brain (hardware to store and process your data) it not only makes things more affordable but also more manageable. Users will no longer be needed to buy different internet subscription plans and services for multiple devices, but also will have all there files, music , videos and software's at a single location without needing the cloud to synchronize in between.

The idea is to have a NexPhone which would be an Android smartphone coupled with Ubuntu, which docks with connectors like tablet, notebook, laptop or desktop computer to provide the device functionality of your choice. The startup needs crowd-funding to get into production which seems sufficiently feasible, a nice introductory video and other related information after the jump.

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