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[Reuters Video] - The Amazing Maps Race Between Google And Apple

There is no doubt that iOS 6 Apple Maps failed miserably, and now Apple has even admitted that. To test the impact in an real world usage scenario, Reuters pitted Apple Maps with Google Maps and the resulting video is as follows.

[Video] - The Best iPhone 5 Parody Ever !!!!!!

A serious piece of advice for Apple iOS 6 Map users from London Transport Department

There is a reason for calling the Apple iOS 6 Map failure - "ios6apocalypse", and here is a serious piece of advice from the Mayor of London to commuters.


Apple Maps fails miserably, removes and distorts popular monuments and shows dangerously wrong navigation instructions

Apple is known for it's finer details and perfection, but this time they have failed miserably. The removal of Google Maps and introduction of Apple Maps in iOS 6 has resulted in nothing but chaos and a lot of bad press for Apple.

Apple's new maps is a major disappointment internationally as it lacks Transit function for 51 countries, traffic updates for 24 countries, and Street View in 41 countries - Totaling, 63 countries with a user-base of 4.5 billion people which had these features previously available in iOS 5. But that is not all, even American users are having a tough time using "buggy" Apple Maps, the maps are so faulty that they have not only distorted or removed popular monuments but are dangerously displaying navigation directions from roads to canals and non-suitable terrains.

Apple Map fail

In the examples below Apple Maps shows roads "obliterated", and Statue of liberty is simply vanished. In the following image you can see map detail difference between iOS 5 Google Maps and iOS 6 Apple Maps, this is not all Apple Maps is showing dangerously wrong navigation into a canal !

Map fail

These widespread errors have resulted in twitter hash tag #ios6apocalypse climbing up the charts with user submissions, more buggy images of Apple Maps below.

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