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Zero Feedburner Count

Google feedburner subscriber count dropped to zero

Google's feedburner is one of the top web feed management provider which also offers RSS to Email feed distribution service, the usually "blue" "readers count" chicklet is a common citing around the blogosphere. The chicklet not only allows users to subscribe for blog updates by various means, but also provides a social-metric to how popular a blog is. We proudly have 305,000+ subscribers via feedburner but if you have noticed the "feedburner readers" count chicklet all across the web are now showing the count as zero.

This widespread data display issue is now publicly acknowledged by Google with the following update on Google feedburner's official blog.

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
Do subscribe to updates using your favorite RSS feed reader or using the secure FeedBurner email update form on top of this post.