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Linux Pear OS 7

Linux Pear OS 7 - The easy, free and open-source Apple OS X experience for your PC

Apple Mac OS X provides a clean and easy to use interface and is desired by non-Apple hardware users, we have seen Mac OS X themes and total customization packs for Windows allowing users to get the look on their PC's running Microsoft Windows OS. Ubuntu on the other hand, also features a nice user-interface and there exist many Ubuntu customization packs for Windows.

Instead of hacking your way trying to install Apple Mac OS X on PC hardware, how about a totally free, Ubuntu Linux based complete operating system with sleek and user friendly Apple Mac OS X styled user-interface, minus the much debated Ubuntu sponsored search links (Adware) without the unity shell. Welcome to Pear OS 7, an easy to use Ubuntu based Linux distribution which comes pre-configured with free apps and drivers to allow use of your exisitng PC files, printers, cameras and MP3 players. With option to install and use thousands of free applications.

Pear OS Main Screen
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