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Free File Storage

ZumoDrive - Cloud Storage and File Synchronization Service, Exclusive Beta Invites For Our Blog Readers

ZumoDriveMuch awaited free online storage service GDrive launch seems nearby, but there is no need to wait for it as their exist lots of good free online file-storage and synchronization services like DropBox, FolderShare, SkyDrive and Box.Net to name a few, to make things even more interesting and competitive we now have a brand new startup to warm-up the online file-storage and synchronization service market, dubbed ZumoDrive the free (upto 1 GB) cloud storage and synchronization service works pretty similar to paid service LiveDrive letting users access there online data like local disk-drive, but with a HUGE difference which is unlike every other service ZumoDrive does not store local copies of your files until you choose to, this approach provides access to unlimited amount of data on your limited capacity devices, to further clarify the approach take this example - you can store as much music files as you like on ZumoDrive and Play your entire music library directly over the air without getting limited by your iPhone storage capacity.

Zumo Local Drive

provides 1 GB free storage with option of paid-upgrades for more space, the service is currently in private beta and requires a invite code to signup, we have been provided with 200 exclusive beta invites codes for our blog readers, so hurry while they last.

Windows Live SkyDrive - Free 25 GB Secure Online Storage

SkyDriveMicrosoft's free online storage service Windows Live SkyDrive is now out of beta and now made available for users in 38 countries - USA, Great Britain, India, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Finland, France, Guatemala, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and Turkey.

SkyDrive Screen

SkyDrive lets you store upto 5 GB 25 GB of data using an easy to use online interface, you can choose to mark your files and folders as private, shared with fiends of public, users can embed and link files/folders in web pages to allow downloading directly from your website. By means of RSS feeds subscribers can automatically be notified about new file uploads.

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