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Brand new iOS app aims to improve our photos even BEFORE we ever take them

Photozeen is a new free app for Apple iOS platform, just released worldwide the app. gives incentivized and thematic photo-taking assignments to eager photographers in an effort to teach better photographer skills through detailed instructions/lessons, practice, and other users' feedback. It's easy to use and has a pretty cool UI.

There's already a photo app for practically anything you would ever want to do with your cell phone camera. Photos can be filtered, Snapchatted, Facebooked, Instagrammed, Tweeted, or, in some cases I suppose, even sexted. What none of these apps will do, though, is actually help your photography skills. With Photozeen, your phone becomes a photo kit and the entire world is a tutorial. We're already taking photos with our phones, why not get some instruction and feedback and be better at it?

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