MenuetOS is a name you might have NOT heard before, if not let me introduce to this little beauty. The open-source, GUI capable operating-system for x86 architecture is written entirely in assembly language which makes it highly efficient and allows it to fit on a floppy-disk. The operating-system just went to version 1.0 after 13 years of development, despite being tiny in size it supports full range of services needed to be a complete OS like support for USB devices like storage, printers, webcams and digital TV tuners and support for gaming, multimedia and basic networking. The MenuetOS supports multitasking with multiprocessor and multithreading, skinnable GUI upto 1920x1080 (16 million colors), capability to run games like Doom, Quake and utilities like DosBox and many more unimaginable features for an OS sizing less then 1.4 MB in size.