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Cisdem OCRWizard 4

Cisdem OCRWizard 4 Review

Cisdem OCR LogoOne of the biggest issues, so far, with computer users, is that they cannot edit scanned documents. For instance, if you scanned a news story from a newspaper and you now have it saved on your computer as an image. You cannot edit it.

You feel helpless when it comes to editing such scanned documents, images, or even PDFs. Thanks to Cisdem OCRWizard 4, it has solved this very issue – and it has done it perfectly.

Introducing the Cisdem OCRWizard 4

It is an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) application for MAC users. Yes, it is an application that Mac users can install on their machines and can edit all types of scanned documents painlessly.

Cisdem OCR

Think of any image, a scanned document, PDF, or even business cards, you can now edit them with a few clicks. Cisdem OCRWizard 4 supports more than 40 languages and the documents can be edited as well as shared instantly.

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