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Free Online Storage

VIPeers - Free One-Click File-Hosting And Torrent Mashup To Share Large Files

VIPeersVIPeers is a new one of its kind hybrid free file-sharing service allowing users to share files upto 5 GB in size with ease, to share files users simply need to upload it using the web-based uploader or the PODMailing software, Once uploaded VIPeers provides direct HTTP download links with option to share file using the BitTorrent protocol without the hassle of creating .torrent file, adding trackers, and even the seeding.

Web-Based Uploader

To make things even more easier VIPeers offers copy-and-paste code snippets for effortless sharing of uploaded files on blogs, forums, social-networks and websites.

DropBoks - Simple, Free & Secure Online File Storage

DropBoks LogoThere exist quite a few well-known free online storage service providers and we have reviewed them earlier on the blog, DropBoks is a similar free secure online storage service but much simpler to use, DropBoks allows users to create personal account and store upto 1 GB of data, allowing upload/download of files upto 50 MB in size, the simple interface is very user friendly and allows uploading multiple files at once.

Free Online File Storage

50 GB Free Secure Online Backup Space With File-Sharing Enabled

ADrive Online BackupIf Windows SkyDrive's 5 GB of free online storage is not sufficient for your needs, ADrive is offering a massive 50 GB of free secure online storage with file-sharing enabled, and unlike Mediamax 25 GB free storage offer with download limit, there is no such

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