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Power Calibration Area Is Full

How To Fix "Power Calibration Error" While Burning CD/DVD

If your CD/DVD burner is making coasters failing to write CD's and DVD's, throwing a "Power Calibration Error" or "Medium Speed Error", here are a few solutions you should try.

Their could be several possible reasons and solutions for the above error, basically what is happening is for some reason the CD/DVD burning software is unable to determine the Optimum Power Calibration rate (a small pre-burn test to determine optimal laser power for writing), resulting a disk burn failure. There is no easy way to pinpoint the exact reason, so try all the possible fixes from top to bottom (easy to hard) and see what works:

  • Try using different brands of quality blank media, most common reason for such error's is cheap blank media.

  • Try burning at lower speeds (Highly effective).

  • Disable IMAPI Service (Work's in most cases):
    1. Launch Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services .
    2. Browse for "IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service", Right-click on it and select properties.
    3. Change Startup Type to Disabled.
    4. Click Apply and Reboot.

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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