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Windows 7 Themes

Planisphere : Radical New Theme For Windows 7

After a along time here we are once again sharing a radical new Windows 7 theme for complete refreshing, makeover to your current desktop.

Click To Enlarge (Opens in new Window)

Download Clean and Elegant Leaf Visual Style for Windows 7

Here is an excellent new Windows 7 visual style/theme to give your desktop a new refreshing look, packed with six different clean and elegant style variants - Leaf Visual style for Windows 7 is something every looker will appreciate.

Leaf Visual Style For Windows 7

Experience The Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal User Interface On Windows 7 Using “Ubuntu Skin Pack”

We have themes and transformation packs for Mac OS X Lion, Windows 8, and Windows 7 On XP so why not have the Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal user interface on Windows 7, "Ubuntu Skin Pack" is a free transformation pack for Windows 7 allowing users to enjoy the refreshingly simple, minimal and clean look of Ubuntu on there computers.

Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal For Windows 7

Static 2.0 - Simple And Clean Microsoft Windows 7 Theme

While there are lots of free Windows 7 visual styles out there finding a clean and simple theme takes some searching, Static 2.0 is one such minimalistic theme offering three different visual styles with different explorer-frames and matching start orbs.

Static 2

Download Microsoft's Official Dynamic Bing Wallpaper Theme To Keep Your Desktop Fresh

Microsoft Windows 7 features RSS-powered themes which are able to automatically fetch content when updated and now the company has released an official RSS powered theme - "Dynamic Bing", the new theme automatically changes user desktop wallpapers with two new high-resolution (1920 x 1200) photos from Bing every week.
Dynamic Bing Windows 7 Theme

Windows 7 Theme for Windows XP

We are not going to get our hands on much anticipated Microsoft Windows 7 anytime soon, but we can enjoy the look and feel now on our Windows XP & Vista system's using the "Windows 7 Desktop Theme", Since not much details about the upcoming OS is available, the theme looks very similar to Windows Vista but provide some nice refreshing changes to the same old look.

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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