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Load2All - Free Mass File-Mirroring Service With Auto-Splitting For Unlimited File-Upload Size

Load2AllThere are quite a few file-mirror services and utilities like UploadJockey, RapidSpread and Zoom’s File & Image Uploader which makes multi-host file-uploading as easy it can get, but all new free file mass-mirror service Load2All is going to be the new favorite of everybody with its unique feature of unlimited file upload size as the service takes care of auto-splitting your files and uploading them to 19 popular file-hosters.

Load2All Mass Mirror Service Supporting Unlimited File Upload Size

Apart from the handy automatic file-splitting and upload functionality the service also allows users to specify there Rapidshare collector account details so files get uploaded to their accounts and they can earn Rapidshare points.

RapidSpread - Upload, Share, and Create File Mirror in One Step With Ease

RapidspreadRapidSpread is another free file mirror service similar to Uploadjockey but supporting even more file-mirrors, while Uploadjockey supports Rapidshare, Badongo, Easy-share, Zshare, Megaupload and Depositfiles, RapidSpread also supports,Mediafire, Zippyshare, Sendspace, FileFactory and Imageshack.

Mass File Mirror Service
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