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Virtual Private Server

The Very Real Dangers of Virtualization

Virtualization servers have been around for well over a decade — nearly two, if you virtual-lovers out there can believe it — but to countless users in the industry, the technology still seems alien and new. However, with the growing reliance on the cloud and utilization of servers by businesses and personal uses alike, virtualization is becoming an unavoidable issue in IT departments around the world. As with any new tech, the most pressing conversation regarding virtual environments is undoubtedly one of security.

Most IT professionals agree that virtual servers aren’t necessarily less secure than traditional servers; in fact, many of them are more secure, considering their isolation and dependence on a single host. But, misunderstandings and laziness can easily put any server — virtual or physical — at risk of a dangerous breach. New adopters may have several misconceptions about what it takes to maintain a virtual server to prevent disasters. Here are the real security threats any virtual server may face and what to do to about them before they become a problem.

Zone.Net VPS Hosting Review

Zone.Net LogoThis blog was started on a shared-hosting account and then got migrated to a fully-managed Zone.Net VPS hosting and stayed there for a long time, until the needs demanded a switch to a dedicated server 5-6 months ago which Zone was not providing at that time, I enjoyed my stay with ZONE.Net hosting and was willing to do a review about their hosting services since then but never found the leisure to do so, finally here I am doing a review for one of the cheapest and best VPS hosting provider out there.

business motto is to provide the best technology at a great price to the customer, and they seem to deliver that quiet well, during my stay at Zone hosting I found there VPS hosting to be extremely fast and reliable the company is in the hosting business since 1993 and the experience seems to help them get the very best out of the hardware and provide top-notch VPS hosting at unparalleled price.

Zone.Net VPS Hosting Control Panel

While Zone.Net offers excellent package at great prices, the support system needed a boost at that time as the average ticket response time was 2-3 hours on average (not bad at all but not the best), after reading some hosting reviews I think they have done some hard-work on that but still need to iron out some support issues, The staff is always responding well and resolves issues quite well the owner himself is an active WHT member and can be approached via forum.

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