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Download iPod Themes

DreamBoard: New Advanced Theming Platform For iOS Devices

Winterboard is the most popular theming base platform used by iOS theme creators, but does has limitations of it's own which does not allow users to create or use advanced features like gadgets and apps. A new advanced theming platform "DreamBoard" is now available to address that issue letting users take control of SpringBoard allowing them to place anything from widgets to apps where ever they want, offering an all new level of customization and advanced themeing capabilities without much efforts.

Dreamboard Themes

Dreamboard makes it easy to switch between any theme in just a few seconds. Simply launch, choose and apply! And, Dreamboard eliminates the long wait of having to restart Springboard everytime you make a change. No more resprings! Dreamboard includes a complementary copy of Android (HTC theme).

Downloading And Installing iPod Themes

iPWApple iPod officially does not offer any means to use skins or themes to customize its looks, but with a little bit of tweaking you can get hundreds of different user community created themes on your iPod for a refreshingly new look, and to help make things easier we will be using free iPod skinning utility - "iPodWizard", the simple to use community supported utility lets you install iPod themes on your device with minimal risks without altering its functionality.

iPod Themes
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