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DriverMax Review

Exclusive DriverMax Pro Version Giveaway For Everyone

Innovative Solutions is an "Microsoft Certified Partner" and you can expect software's from them to be of highest quality, and DriverMax is no exception. DriverMax Free version was reviewed on this blog almost three years ago and since then it has gone only better, the utility works flawlessly on any PC running Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP allowing users not only to scan and download latest driver updates for their computers but also backup, restore and rollback drivers to a previous version. Under a limited period EXCLUSIVE giveaway for our blog readers, users can grab a fully-functional copy of "DriverMax PRO" for free - read the full post for instructions on how to grab your promotional license activation key. The "PRO" version offers users the ability to download drivers from within the DriverMax Agent, fast driver downloads without waiting with increased download priority, possibility to be notified on signed driver updates only, downloads without the need to upload your own drivers and hourly driver update check.
DriverMax Pro Version

DriverMax - The Best Free Utility To Update Windows Device Drivers

DriverMaxIt is usually highly recommended to update your device drivers as hardware manufacturers often release new versions of their drivers for fixing bugs, adding new features, increasing device and system performance, improving computer stability, fixing compatibility with other devices and closing security holes, While most of the popular automatic Windows driver updation utilities are not free, we reviewed RadarSync as one possible free option which worked quite well for me, but failed on many computers as noted in user comments.

Developed by Innovative Solutions, A Microsoft Certified Partner - DriverMax would be the best free utility to download and install latest driver updates for your Windows XP and Vista computers, the community powered driver updater service currently supports more then 80,000 different hardware devices with 1,29,000 different driver versions.

DriverMax Driver Updater
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