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Free Ad Blocker For Opera

How To Block Advertisments In Opera Browser

Opera is one of the most refined piece of software engineering and if not the world's fastest webbrowser it is definitely one of the fastest and securest web-browser around, despite Opera being my favorite browser I personally use Firefox simply because of the expansion possibilities if offers by means of add-ons specially the Ad-Block Plus extension allowing automatic filtering of unwanted content with ease, luckily Opera 9 features a powerful content blocker to mimic the Adblock Plus functionality, To block an image, frame, or Flash animation you simply need to right-click an empty spot on the page and select Block content menu item, Then, click the images/content you want blocked, When finished selecting, click Done as shown below.

Opera Content Blocker

Similar to the Filter list feature in Adblock Plus you can also add pre-complied common ad-blocking patterns to Opera for a clutter free web-browsing experience, follow the simple instructions below to implement ad-blocking in Opera.

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