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Crackulous Cydia Repository

RipDev Releases New iPhone Anti-Piracy System

RipDevRipDev has released a new iPhone anti-piracy system to prevent iPhone Applications and Games from getting cracked by Crackulous, named Kali Anti-Piracy the service lets iPhone developers protect their work from getting cracked and pirated, the Kali anti-piracy system is a server-side service allowing developers to wrap their applications using the anti-piracy wrapper for protection from crackers, RipDev team also assured that underground hacker communities and trends will get constantly monitored to make sure that Kali anti-piracy system remains effective and uncrackable.

Apple iPhone and iPod Touch Cracked Applications and Games Now Possible

CrackulousApple iPhone and iPod Touch Games and applications purchased via the iTunes Store are protected with DRM and can only be used on a single device they were purchased for, but not anymore as Crackulous the one-click iPhone application cracker is here, the free application allows users to crack the protection and use application/games purchased via the iTunes Store on as many devices as you like, once installed on your iPhone or iPod Touch you can crack any game or application that you purchased via iTunes Store using a simple to use GUI, once cracked the decrypted .IPA files will get saved at /var/mobile/media/DecryptedIPAs/, from where it can be downloaded via SSH and shared with your friends or community.

iPhone Cracked Games

To install Crackulous use the simple instructions as follows :

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