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Remove iTunes Duplicate

Best Free Utility To Clean Your iTunes Music Library

meta-iPodIf you use iTunes you must be experiencing issues like duplicate tracks, dead media links and tracks without meta-information in your music-library, sadly iTunes does not provide a proper way to get rid of these issues easily and we have to rely on third-party utilities like Teridons iTunes Script to declutter your iTunes media library, now a better and easier to use free alternative is available which lets you not only remove missing and duplicate tracks but also auto-rate and fetch missing meta-information for your music collection.

meta-iPod could be considered as an swiss-army knife for iTunes with all the must-have functionality to clean your iTunes music library, the software is very easy to use and is actively developed with new features getting added fast.

iTunes Music Library Cleaner

Removing Duplicate and Dead Tracks From iTunes Library

iTunes LogoAs your iTunes media collection grows you end-up having lots of duplicate and dead media in your iTunes library, the duplicate remover functionality provided by iTunes is very limited and you have to do everything manually, if you are on a Mac there exist quite a few handy AppleScripts and utilities to get rid of those dead and duplicate tracks, but if you are using iTunes on Windows finding a similar solution is hard, luckily after searching a lot I finally found a working solution for Windows users, enabling them to clean their iTunes Library automatically with ease.

Pretty similar to the popular Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes on Mac, Teridon's iTunes Scripts gets the job done on Windows.

iTunes Duplicate Removal Script For Windows
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