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Bypass Proxy

Net Guard 2010 - Private, Anonymous And Secure Internet Experience For Free

Net Guard 2010 BoxIf you missed the Astrill Beta Invite here is another option to surf the web privately and securely via an encrypted internet connection for free using Web Point Net Guard 2010, the speed-limited free version provides an anonymous internet connection letting users surf the Web invisibly with any Web browser, instant messenger or newsgroup browser without any hassle.

Net Guard 2010 Encrypted Proxy Connection For Free

Net Guard 2010 is one of the most easiest and flawless proxy solution that we have reviewed here, once installed your simply need to click the login and logoff button to start and stop the anonymity engine - this is far more easy than using a complicated VPN connection or proxy solution which requires configurations to be done manually.

Astrill - Unrestricted, Unlimited, Secure And Anonymous Internet Access, 100 Exclusive Beta Invites For Our Readers

AstrillWe have reviewed a wide range of free and paid anonymity services including VPN and proxy based solutions to bypass internet censorship with ease, a new anonymity service named Astrill is now here to raise the bar in already competitive internet censorship bypassing solution market - the service currently under invite only beta allows users to browse the web securely and anonymously via a private encryption algorithm so nobody (not even your ISP) can know what sites you have been watching. With Astrill users can bypasses any kind of firewall or filtering and use Wi-Fi on public places with safety as nobody will be able to snoop into the encrypted data stream.

Astrill Proxy Service

Astrill is very easy to use and all you need to do is to install the utility and signin with your registered username/password to get started, We have 100 EXCLUSIVE beta invites for our readers, to register for free limited period beta follow the instructions at the end of the post.

Freedur - Fast and Simple Proxy Solution For Windows And Mac

Freedur ProxyUsing proxies is the most widely used trick to bypass internet censorship and surf the web anonymously, if you are looking for a simple and fast proxy solution for Windows and Mac Freedur is worth a try, the plug-n-play annoymity service allows users to surf the web anonymously bypassing internet firewalls and restrictions automatically without any hassle, sadly the service is not free requiring a monthly subscription, however a 30 day trial is provided to test things out.

Freedur Proxy Config

If you are looking for a fast and professional quality free anonymity service give Ace VPN a try and you will definitely love it.

Downloading BitTorrent Files Anonymously

BittorrentYour IP address can reveal a lot about you, and if you are concerned about privacy while downloading torrent files and surfing the web or are getting blocked because of internet censorship, using proxy servers and VPN services is an solution to the problem but both require paid services for fast access and bandwidth intensive usage, but not anymore as all new free internet anonymity service BitBlinder promises to protect your identity by hiding your IP address and allowing private web-browsing and torrent downloading at fast speeds.

The multi-platform, open-source application BitBlinder is currently in Beta and makes use of TOR network for creating encrypted anonymous connections between peers, every user is required to contribute by relaying data for others making the network fast and efficient.

Private Torrent Downloading
This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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