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Unlocking and Jailbreaking iPhone OS 3.1.2

Blacksn0w Carrier Unlock And Blackra1n Jailbreak For iPhone 3.1.2 Available For Download

As expected whizkid GeoHot's iPhone carrier unlock for baseband 05.11.07 dubbed blacksn0w is live now and user can now safely upgrade to the latest iPhone OS 3.1.2 having baseband 05.11.07 via iTunes and still get the carrier-unlock using blacksn0w and jailbreak through Blackra1n RC3 utility.

iPhone Unlock Blacksn0w GUI

The latest Blackra1n release is available for both Windows and Mac getting the job done in just 15 seconds, it now also supports Hacktivation which means now you don't need the official SIM to activate your iPhone using iTunes.

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