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Eye-Fi Card

Huawei's UltraStick : SD Card With No Space For Storage !!!

Yes, you read that right. Huawei's UltraStick is an SD card with no storage, however, the SD-card comes with an nano-sim slot and features an 3G radio with 21Mbps (HSPA+) download speeds. The accessory aims to provide 3G connectivity for low-end tablets, one simply slips the card into readily available SD-card slot and there non-cellular WiFi only tablets magically transforms into the expensive high-end counterpart with 3G connectivity.

Make Your Camera Wi-Fi Compatible With Wi-Fi SD Memory Card

Eye-Fi is a new innovative system to transfer pictures from your digital camera to your computer/online picture storage via a simple easy to use Wi-Fi SD memory card, and the best thing is its price, this 2 GB SD memory costs $99 only.

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