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Futuristic Software

[Video] Microsoft's Future Vision: Live, Work, Play

Technology is transforming our life at work, on the go, and at home and the trend is going to get better. To make things even better, Microsoft has established an Envisioning Center, which is all about imagining how technology could be used to make life easier and more enjoyable, sometimes in small ways and sometimes in revolutionary ones. The Envisioning Center developed inside Microsft's Redmond campus, incorporates new ideas and latest technologies encompassing scenarios at home, work and places in between to make our future life comfortable.

Microsoft has also released a video showing the snapshot of future after five to ten years from now. Do watch the concept posted below.

Future vision

Microsoft's Vision Of Our Technology Future, Awesome Video Presentation !

Here's Microsoft's concept future vision on how people will get their things done at work, home, and on the go in coming 5-10 years. Watch the concept video to get a glimpse of the future of productivity, a must watch futuristic video for every tech lover.

The future technology

Locus OS - Futuristic Graphical User Interface Concept

Independent designers often come up with innovative and exciting user interfaces for computer operating-systems, and here is another one which I would definitely want Microsoft to look into for there upcoming Windows 8 operating-system, This project was originally intended for the Microsoft Next Gen Computer competition in 2008 (see details after the jump).

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