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Blink! - Free Utility Let Users Login To PC By Simply Looking Into The Webcam

BlinkWe can tweak our Windows computers to enable auto-login feature letting by the password entry hassle every time the computer is booted, however this comes at the cost of leaving our data privacy and security susceptible to misuse.

But no worries as we now have a solution which secures our computer from unauthorized access as-well-as does not require the hassle of entering the password to gain access, free utility Blink! makes logging into Windows easier then ever, just look into a webcam for a moment, and you’ll be logged into your account automatically.

PC Login By Face Recognition

Blink! employs advanced face-recognition technology to provide quick, automatic and reliable login to one or many computer users easily, The innovative technology is even able to match the user with different haircuts, with or without eye-wear, beards or mustaches grown or shaved off while completely eliminating false positives even under varying lighting conditions.

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