It is usually highly recommended to update your device drivers as hardware manufacturers often release new versions of their drivers for fixing bugs, adding new features, increasing device and system performance, improving computer stability, fixing compatibility with other devices and closing security holes, While most of the popular automatic Windows driver updation utilities are not free, we reviewed RadarSync as one possible free option which worked quite well for me, but failed on many computers as noted in user comments.
Developed by Innovative Solutions, A Microsoft Certified Partner - DriverMax would be the best free utility to download and install latest driver updates for your Windows XP and Vista computers, the community powered driver updater service currently supports more then 80,000 different hardware devices with 1,29,000 different driver versions.

DriverMax 4.6 Features:
- Ability to backup and restore device drivers, which comes handy if you are planning to re-install the operating-system.
- Detailed driver report including versions and release dates.
- Ability to identify unknown devices.
- Get Windows Vista rating's information before purchasing new hardware.

Download Now [2.91 MB, Only for 32 Bit Windows XP and Vista ] >>
Driver Genius Pro is much
Driver Genius Pro is much better than DriverMax.
Windows Driver Update
But its not free, DriverMax does the job perfectly, what else can you ask for ??
Not, really free, only allows
Not, really free, only allows 2 drivers per day
From my own experience,
From my own experience, DriverMax can't find my new NB's drivers but Driver Genius Pro can. DriverMax can't backup my drivers successfully (especially when the directory or the name of the drivers contains non-English characters) but Driver Genius Pro can.
Why cant you understand that we are talking about FREE, Driver genious pro is not FREE. please understand
I did not try any of them,
I did not try any of them, but like the gentleman said: "IT'S FREE".....and it's my best choice.
it's free but it can't find many drivers
I agree with the other guy -- Drivermax can't find many drivers. There's another free one called Radarsync. I never tried it, but I will.
Driver Updater
I have reviewed RadarSync earlier but not all users were happy with its driver detection algorithm resulting in corrupted drivers.
I have found interesting
I have found interesting sources and would like to give the benefit of my experience to you.
I am tuning my pc by the best software for free, with the file search engine
May be you have your own experience and could give some useful sites too. Because this social site help me much.
I found your comment " have reviewed RadarSync earlier but not all users were happy with its driver detection algorithm resulting in corrupted drivers" interesting.
I don't know how Radarsync's driver detection could result in corrupted drivers, because these companies just deliver the drivers to you, they don't write them. I tested too, and what I liked about it is that it links to the vendor website, instead of the driver stored on radarsync's site. THis seems like a safer solution to me. In my test, RadarSync performed very well, and found drivers both for my vista machine and my xp machine. I also liked that their website has its own driver depository (with a special section for vista drivers) that has download links.
drive max 5 verry good.........THENKS!
how to convert from free to pro
got serial from one of my friend. i can't see anything in their aplication to enter serial. any idea?
rip off
its all a joke its not free
It's not free
How can these companies throw the word free around so lightly. The software is free to download and install for free, yes, but it is worthless unless you pay them for the service. It's like a restaurant advertising they are free, then you get there and they say, "here, sit in this chair at this table and use this fork, all for free." Then you sit there with a fork and nothing to use it on. Your stomach grumbles and the waiter smiles, readying his credit card machine.
This review was done in 11/01/2008 and at that time the product was completely free, sad they decided to charge for it now - you can always try free alternatives as seen in Similar links below (after end of comments).
DriverMax & Detective Driver, w/c one is better?
Thank you for this review. I just want you to know that DriverMax is still a popular choice until now for most PC users but there are also new software programs that are becoming popular today when it comes to updating drivers and one of those is the driver detective software --SPAM REMOVED-- - and I'm currently checking it out. What makes DriverMax different from it? thank you!
Windows 8
Is this Windows 8 avalable in spanish?
Being free is the best, I
Being free is the best, I liked it a lot thanks
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