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Bzeek - Free utility to enable laptop Wifi connectivity sharing

BzeekWhile configuring your Mac to act as an WiFI hotspot (so other devices can connect and share it's internet connection) requires some manual steps, Windows users have choice of free utilities like Connectify and all new Bzeek to do the task.

Bzeek not only enables your computer/laptop to act as an WiFi hotspot enabling WiFi connectivity to other devices like iPhone, Android, iPad and iPod Touch without requiring a WiFi router. But also enables it's users to be a part of a global WiFi network, where it allows secure sharing of internet with other Bzeek members letting them earn money from sharing unused bandwidth - Bzeek also provides an online Control-Panel so users have full-control of their BzeekSpot internet sharing.

Bzeek free wifi
Bzeeek Free WiFi Hotspot for Windows :


is this just for Mac?

Hope its work for my project

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