3D Printing is without a doubt the next big thing, there is already a growing market for desktop 3D printers with thousands of good and bad "things to print at home". Paving the way for second industrial revolution, 3D printing is soon going to change how we construct buildings with automated Robotic Construction System's which will allow us to make concrete structures on site - and the best thing is we already have a working concept system ready doing that demoed on video as shared ahead.
"Contour Crafting" - the company behind world's first working "Robotic Construction System" has built a prototype 3D printer which uses concrete to "print" walls and will enable construction of entire structures on site as demoed in the video, this technology is not only cheaper than today's "traditional" counstruction methodolgy but also very faster as this machine can build a 2,500 square feet house in 20 hours.

3D Printing.
I think that three Dimensional printing has
unlimited potential for medicine, engineering,
arts, and sciences. Is possible to make a
perfect replica of the human body with every
thing in tact except of course the blood
Great for technology bad for
Great for technology bad for construction workers and economy. Need this to stop before we put more Americans in unemployment line. Maybe this would be good for building on the moon or mars or something where human life can't be substanded. But to develop this and put people out of work would not be good. The only people to make money would be the manufactor and engineers of the printer. Just my 2 cents.
Automation Revolution1
It is inevitable.....we can delay it but at the end robots will take over any job you can think of as they are more efficient,faster,cheaper and generally 1000 times better than any human!Capitalism will indeed colapse unless ofcourse a war is instigated!I suggest you have a look at the venus project that proposes a Resource based economy other than this inefficent system!
Effects on economy are variable
Using different materials and tools to improve efficiency does not directly translate into people of a particular trade losing jobs, it simply means adapting skills to implement new materials and tools in an efficient manner. Replacing copper, iron and clay pipes with plastic did not result in plumbers becoming unnecessary and unemployed. Replacing the limited height of brick and stone structures with the steel-frame skyscraper didn't result in masonry becoming obsolete.
Improving productivity should be about increasing worker efficiency so the results of labor becomes affordable to a broader market of customers/clients. By working with a vision of expansion rather than contraction, it improves the standard of living for more people. Making a better life for our family is the basis of the American dream that brought so many first-generation immigrant families here in legal ways that contributed to the economic growth.
My friend please go ahead and watch that video once again!That machine can very well replace the work of 100 men if not 1000 depending on ofcourse the unit size!Technicians will only be required to forsee the construction and to ensure the machine does not malfunction!This is ofcourse juts one field of labour in which machines will take over!I recently saw a Japanese restaurant thats fully automated not requiring waiters that is!Thats millions of jobs already gone!I can go on and on but surely you can see what am trying to put across!Moreover,once machines take over every single job then we will not have the purchasing power to buy the goods tunred out!Here is where it will all end my brother!There will be multiple uprisings in the world and need for an alternative to this system!We indeed have the technology to provide for everyone in this world!The choice merely lies with us!
That's a little like saying
That's a little like saying that the rest of the country exists solely to provide jobs for construction workers.
You are forgetting
First, this is how progress is made. You can not live in fear of progress or change it is the one true constant of our world. Furthermore your forgetting one HUGE down side of all things computerized or mechanical, THEY BREAK! lol. Trust me,I make my living on fixing them and break they do! You will always need someone who knows how to do what the computer did when it breaks down for a time or it was programed wrong and put the first floor bathroom were the kids closet was. What innovation takes away in jobs it always replaces in some form or another.
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