Managing online passwords across different computers, browsers and operating systems can be very tricky, the developers at LastPass Corportation seems to have heard our prayers and developed LastPass - a free cross-browser, multi-platform secure password manager, currently in BETA the service is simply amazing, far better then any free password manager out there.

Lastpass is pretty easy to install and provides plugins for Firefox (All platforms) and Internet Explorer (Safari support coming soon), LastPass allows importing from all major password managers including Firefox, Internet Explorer, RoboForm, Keepass, Password Safe, and MyPasswordSafe, Once imported all data is encrypted locally using one way salted hashes making using of strong AES encryption, this encrypted file is then stored on Lastpass servers allowing you to sync your password data on different computers using Windows, Mac, or Linux.

LastPass Features:
- Single password to manage all your passwords.
- Screen Keyboard to enter your master password using your mouse on a virtual screen keyboard to protect yourself from keyloggers and keysniffers.
- Forms are automatically filled and a single click will seamlessly log you into your websites.
- Strong encrypted data storage on your hard drive. Only your LastPass password can unlock your data and only YOU have it.
- Stay synchronized across all browsers, Operating Systems and Computers giving you access to it anywhere at anytime.
- Easily Import existing passwords from Internet Explorer, Firefox, RoboForm, 1Password, KeePass, MyPasswordSafe, Password Safe, Sxipper, and PassPack.
- Export your data to a text file with a single click - even if you're not connected to the Internet.
- Securely share logins with friends and let them share logins with you and never worry about sending sensitive login credential by email ever again.
- Never lose another password - ever! as an encrypted backup copy of your data is stored in your account at Securely and seamlessly restore your passwords if you change computers.
- Generate hack-proof passwords with a single click, knowing that you'll never have to remember them or type them in ever again.
- Access and manage your data at home, work, or at an Internet Cafe online at
LastPass is an highly recommended product if you all looking for a simple and secure password manager.
Serious Security
They seem to be very serious about security, I recewived the email today as a registered member:
We were notified last night of a security issue that we wanted to make you
aware of. This issue was solely with logins to the website
when the login form on the upper right was used. If you did this before
September 1st 9am Eastern, your LastPass Master Password was accidently
sent to LastPass via an encrypted https connection.
There was no impact if you used the IE or Firefox plugin to login to the website (if you're logged in, you don't see the form).
If you were impacted, your password was sent over an encrypted connection
to LastPass, and we didn't store or use the password in any way, so we are
confident that the impact here is minimal, and you don't have to do
anything. For the most cautious users, if you feel it necessary to change
your LastPass master password (and your account passwords), we encourage
you to do so.
We at LastPass want to reassure you that we are serious about your security
and privacy, and want to apologize for this error.
If you have any questions on this, don't hesitate to send email to
LastPass Support
Norton 2008-09 Key generate
Please sir
Norton License key
Buy the software you
Buy the software you pathetic thief.
I recommend you choose a
I recommend you choose a good password as your master password and something that you will remember and not need to record anywhere – physically or electronically.
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