Thanks to the unprecedented support by tech-giants like Google, Wikipedia etc. and online protests by almost ever major website the United States SOPA Act did not got passed, but things will soon get horrible as a tougher CISPA variant of SOPA is expected to be made a US law - as unlike previously major internet players like Microsoft and Facebook are supporting it.
CISPA - the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act would put an end to a users right to online privacy and give companies the power to collect private-information on their users and share it, the bill under it's overly broad, vague definition, of a “Cyber threat” will put whistle-blowers, websites like Wikileaks, media sites carrying private investigations/sting operations in public interest, blogs carrying rumors and gossips, copyright violating websites like torrent portals and file-sharing sites etc. an easy target for government agencies.

Symantec is supposed to
Symantec is supposed to protect our private information from the cyber threat.. not take it for themselves. The f#ck are they doing supporting this shit.
Well, I'm just glad I don't do business with any of those companies, except for Microsoft and Intel... time to switch to Linux.
- devnullius -
So SOPA has been stopped, but how do we stop CISPA from becoming law of the land? It has been obvious for some time now that many large companies have been in the business of taking over the internet.
The internet needs to remain free from all of the bullshit that the government and big busineses would like to restrict by taking away our rights.
So I still want to know how we can keep this from happening. I am sure that someone is working on this, but who are they and how can the little guy like me help assure that our 4th Ammendment right is not raped like so many of our other rights seem to constantly under assualt.
Well this isn't a surprise...
Lady and gents. This is what happens when SOPA is a sore loser...What you see and reading is what happens when an organizition of money hungry fatties want to controll all that we see and hear and read and speak.
Because we broke down SOPA and distroyied them from gaining bill right we are now faced with a bad sports man who is changing role's to show how wrong US citizen are for taking thier own right to protection.
Facebook pre SOPA has already stoped the right to privacy, it has been an issue alot longer then we think. SOPA changed roles so they can demonstrate how it would be like if the free information act would had no power or controlled. So they are signing a right to sell our personal infroamtion to other money hungry credit companys so they can "show" us how wrong it was to not let SOPA protect us.
I personal am not afraid, WE stoped SOPA and we will stop CISPA... This is an outrage and if legal battle will not stop them then lets take it to anonymous.. Lets show them how it feels to be a victom and not a preditor...
Help Stop CISPA
SOPA has been stopped, but how can we stop CISPA?
let us know so we all can follow to stop CISPA.
Thanks... All...
My Advice to you all is to be careful about how you share your information on the internet, you might not know who is watching you....
Not much but a start
Pass this to all facebooker to help stop facebook help CISPA.
OT: Grammar Nazi
CISPA - the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act would put an end to a users right to online privacy and give companies the power to collect private-information on their users and share it, the bill under it's overly broad, vague definition, of a “Cyber threat” will put whistle-blowers, websites like Wikileaks, media sites carrying private investigations/sting operations in public interest, blogs carrying rumors and gossips, copyright violating websites like torrent portals and file-sharing sites etc. an easy target for government agencies.
Sentence much?
Seriously. I just stopped reading before I got to the pictures. While I could probably sympathize with the sentiment, I don't feel like reading each string of words four times to delineate where the sentences may be intended, in order to decipher the author's intent.
CISPA Legislation, Will Escalate Government Asset Forfeiture
Government Asset Forfeiture To Escalate If U.S. Senate Passes CISPA Legislation.
CISPA the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act if signed into law will allow——the military and NSA warrant-less spying on Americans’ confidential electronic Communications; any transmitted private information circumventing the fourth amendment. CISPA will allow any self-protected cyber entity to share with the Feds any person’s private information that might allegedly relate to a cyber threat or crime. Considering the U.S. Government’s current business relationship with telephone and Internet companies, it should be expected the feds would use CISPA to gain unprecedented access to lawful Americans’ private electronic communications. Almost every week news media reports corrupt police arrested for selling drugs, taking bribes and perjury. It is foreseeable that broad provisions in CISPA that call for private businesses / cyber entities to share among themselves and with Spy Agencies confidential information will open the door for corrupt government and police to sell a corporations’ confidential information to its competitors, foreign government and others. CISPA provides insufficient safeguards to control disposition of (shared) confidential corporate / cyber entity information, including confidential information shared by spy agencies with private entities derived from spying on Americans.
The recent House Passed Cyber Security Bill overrides the Fourth Amendment. Government may use against Americans in Criminal, Civil and Administrative courts (any information) derived from CISPA warrant-less Internet spying.
CISPA will open the door for U.S. Government spy agencies such as NSA; the FBI; government asset forfeiture contractors, any private entity (to take out of context) any innocent—hastily written email, fax or phone call to allege a crime or violation was committed to cause a person’s arrest, assess fines and or civilly forfeit a business or property. There are more than 350 laws and violations that can subject property to government asset forfeiture. Government civil asset forfeiture requires only a civil preponderance of evidence for police to forfeit property, little more than hearsay.
CISPA (warrant-less electronic surveillance) will enable the U.S. Justice Department to bypass the Fourth Amendment, use information extracted from CISPA electronic surveillance) of Americans’ Web Server Records, Internet Activity, transmitted emails, faxes, and phone calls to issue subpoenas in hopes of finding evidence or to prosecute Citizens for any alleged crime or violation. If the current CISPA is signed into law it is problematic federal, state and local law enforcement agencies and private government contractors will want access to prior Bush II NSA and other government illegally obtained electronic records to secure evidence to arrest Americans; civilly forfeit their homes, businesses and other assets under Title 18USC and other laws. Of obvious concern, what happens to fair justice in America if police become dependent on “Asset Forfeiture” to help pay their salaries and budget operating costs?
Note: the passed “Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000” (effectively eliminated) the “five year statue of limitations” for Government Civil Asset Forfeiture of property: the statute now runs five years (from the date) police allege they “learned” an asset became subject to forfeiture. If CISPA takes affect, allows (no warrant) electronic government surveillance of Americans, it is expected CISPA will be used by government not only to thwart cyber threats, but to aggressively prosecute Americans and businesses for any alleged crime: U.S. Government spy and police agencies; quasi government contractors for profit, will relentlessly sift through Citizen and businesses’ (government retained Internet data), emails and phone communications) to discover possible crimes or civil violations.
A corrupt U.S. Government Administration too easily use CISPA no-warrant-seized emails, faxes, Internet data and phone call information) to target, blackmail and extort its political opposition; target any Citizen, corporation and others in the manner Hitler used his Nazi passed legislation that permitted no-warrant Nazi police searches and seizure of Citizens and businesses or to extort support for the Nazi fascist government. Hitler Nazi Laws made it possible for the Nazis to strong-arm German parliament to pass Hitler’s 1933 Discriminatory Decrees that suspended the Constitutional Freedoms of German Citizens. History shows how that turned out.
CISPA warrant-less electronic surveillance) has the potential of turning America into a Fascist Police State.
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