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How To Change Device Boot Order In Laptop BIOS When Instructed Keys Do Not Work

Imagine the frustration when you are trying to recover your PC from a catastrophic failure and you simply don't have the keys mentioned in troubleshooting tool on your keyboard. The same situation was faced by me recently when I tried to change boot device priority on my Acer Laptop to make it boot from CD-ROM, the BIOS instructed to use "+" and "-" keys for changing the booting device priority but my laptop did not had such dedicated keys (Use of Fn key was required for + and - to work making them obsolete in BIOS).

BIOS Boot Order

The solution was to use F5 and F6 keys as also instructed on the same screen at bottom :) .

Working Keys For Laptop


You've only just found out about this now?
Those keys have been there for at least(from my own experience) Pentium 2 era. Most BIOS, especially from pre-built machine(like your ACER) uses them.

our you could i beleve bunch f2 or maybe its f10 during the boot screen and you will get a boot selection menu

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