Famous Conficker worm created a lot of buzz attracting world press attention when researchers alerted that the virus is programmed to do something special on 1st April and security experts should be prepared for anything, nothing special occurred on 1st April but the worm kicked into action last night updating itself via a Peer2Peer network between infected machines.
The latest Conficker/Kido variant (Net-Worm.Win32.Kido.js) also downloads and installs rogue anti-spyware remover named Spyware Protect 2009 which nags users to pay $49.95 for removing falsely reported infections, interestingly the new variant is scheduled to be functional till 3rd May only.

Conficker Working Group has created an easy to use Conficker Eye Chart to check whether you are infected or not, and also provides an up-to-date list of all the removal tools.
Conficker Removal Tools
I've put in all the Conficker Removal tools that I've collected the hard way over the past few months into one single archive and uploaded it for the benefit of everyone out there.
All tools are freebies and downloaded from their respective provider sites. Scanned with multiple AV scanners and found to be 100% free of infection.
Incase anyone requires it, you can have it over here.
(Removal Tools should be downloaded from official links to get the latest versions and avoid any risk).
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