TechCrunch reader Jonathan Frederickson who sent earliest tips regarding Google Chrome OS folder on the Chromium build site has now came up with something very exciting - an early build of Google's very own under-development operating-system Chrome OS.

Jonathan has made available the i386 DEB package without the source-code which can be installed by users on an linux machine for testing but warns that this is an early unstable build so expect it to crash, I have not personally tested it but it seems TechCrunch has got this wrong claiming it to be Chrome OS build but it seems more like a Chrome OS Browser build as also pointed out in Jonathan's post.
Download Google Chrome OS Browser Build 28902 (Unstable), File - google-chrome-unstable_4.0.222.6-r28902_i386.deb, Size - 12030 KB:
Google Chrome
This is the Google web browser for Linux. The Windows version was the first to be released.
Chrome browser
I like this idea, But in order to test this browser, is there any way to download this.
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