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Open-source Google Chrome OS Project Launched

Google Chrome OSThe cat is finally out of the bag as Google officially announced the launch of their very own open-source Google Chrome OS project, The leaked Google Chrome OS Browser is in fact an early build of the actual Google Chrome OS which is described by Google as a fast, simple, and more secure computing experience for people who spend most of their time on the web.

Google OS Screenshot

In simple language Google Chrome OS will be a fast and optimized Chrome Browser tightly integrated with the hardware offering web-applications for getting things done on the cloud (web), confused ? the video demo ahead will make things much clearer.

Download Google Chrome OS Leaked Build

Google ChromeTechCrunch reader Jonathan Frederickson who sent earliest tips regarding Google Chrome OS folder on the Chromium build site has now came up with something very exciting - an early build of Google's very own under-development operating-system Chrome OS.

Google Chrome OS GUI
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