More and more gadgets are now focusing to provide natural movement interfaces, Microsoft Kinect is an brilliant example of this technology.
LEAP is another such device which makes use of some clever technology to offer excellent natural hand and finger based gesture control for computer users, the futuristic and geeky gadget is now available as pre-order for $70 and just require the user to plug it into a USB port, load Leap Motion software and perform a quick calibration to get started.
LEAP is advertised to be "more accurate than a mouse, as reliable as a keyboard and more sensitive than a touchscreen." Sizing equal to a flash drive, the device can distinguish individual fingers and track movements down to a 1/100th of a millimeter for perfect precession. A video with real world demonstration with office, creative and gaming usage is posted after the jump.

What about Kinect
Hasn't Kinect already done that ? Or is it able to capture the movement of fingers precisely?
Kinect is designed for gaming and was hacked to do basic gesture control, this is a proper device designed from ground-up to be a computer controller.
What about the keyboard ??? Is it an onscreen keyboard ??
kinect is not accurate device
kinect is not accurate device and this is superb device which can detect all 10 fingers really cool
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