Influence of technology into the physical things we use today is increasing at an unrepresented rate, be it the automobiles we use or any other day-to-day things which were not associated with technology earlier. After home printable 3D gun we have another devlopment linking technology to guns - A computer assisted Precision Guided Firearms with Linux powered scope featuring an heads-up display allowing users to "MARK", track and shoot a target precisely. The gun can also stream live video to WiFi devices for an accurate view on a bigger screen (tablet).
To shoot, you simply need to "mark" the target, which illuminates it on the tracking scope. Once marked the "Smart Gun" takes into account the range of target, ambient temperature-humidity, the age of the barrel, and lots of other parameters to provide all the vitals corrections to get the perfect shot displaying accurately where the round will go. This is not all - the image recognition routine keeps track of the "mark" in the scope's field of view, and a user simply needs to squeeze the trigger to get the perfect shot anytime. Do watch the video posted above and below to see this amazing technology in action in real life hunting conditions, if you like you can even order the rifle now starting at $17000 a piece.
Just another waste of money on senseless animal killing, but this time it was made for a commercial. Yes, the technology is amazing.
It takes a real man to use precision technology to kill something that does not have a defense from hundreds of yards away. I want to see a video where one actually hunts down and kills these animals with their bare hands, now that would be hunting.
Other than that, it's simply cheating, and by no means a sport.
But go ahead, squirt yourself with deer piss and have a great hunt, morons.
We abort millions of babies a
We abort millions of babies a year and you're complaining about a few animals being killed
Who is the "We" in we abort
Who is the "We" in we abort millions of babies a year, do you mean you? Because where I am from "We" do not believe in killing unborn babies. I also don't believe in murdering defenseless animals for so called fun.
why using animals as targets,
why using animals as targets, this is indeed a sadistic act
hey retard when the stores
hey retard when the stores dry up, and you leaf licking dill weeds like yourself get hungry and I got 3 bucks hanging dont come by my camp for a hand out. oh wait I forgot that Obama is going to take care of you sorry totally slipped on that one oh and when you come face to face with a grizz lets see those bare hands at work then ya pot smoking hippy. If your concerned about mother nature then go ahead and hold your breath so there is more air for the rest of us to enjoy.
your mom
Pathetic Hey leaf licker, FYI
Hey leaf licker, FYI if you are able to kill an animal with your bare hands you are either a liar or a liar. So please do not go about spreading your hippie antics on hunting to those of us who enjoy meat. also hunting is a way of life for many cultures, but you wouldn't know that since you have not set foot outside your mother basement since hd porn came out, so my suggestion is to take you cheese puff stained fingers and go for a hunt with your bare hands, and when you come face to face with a grizz on your way hunting deer, then please let me know how that turns out for ya, oh and please dont fall prey to bear spray, it just makes them angry.
Your Mom
why would you be looking at rifles like these if you are so opposed to them, well because you think anything with "LINUX" in the title must be a link to help sharpen your untrained fantasy hacker ability.
Linux Powered Rifle With "Auto Aim"
I actually want to see a hunter hand to hand with a lion....they are cowards....real cowards and deserve to be food for something that lives in harmony with its surrounding...
Other than that you disgrace yourself but putting crap like this up..idiots.
Why this stupid men put this
Why this stupid men put this gun in there ass and shoot.
Food for Thought
Hi everyone,
Well Quite a bunch of comments here. Very interesting indeed. I was wondering for those that are against hunting. Are you the type of person that eat's KFC? Taco Bell? or any other type of food that's purchased at a store or resturant in the world? Oh Probably do right? Do you use a Petroleum Powered car? Do you breath Air? You should probably give up all these bad habits because your obviously a mistake by existing on the planet.
But dont worry you can at least try to buy organic food or grow your own with your own defecation for fertilizer. Or maybe your mothers tastes better. Oh i'm sorry your Mom must have given you too much breast feeding while you were in College. I love trees, they give me and my animal oxygen. I also love animals, they taste GREAT!!! 100% natural grown MEAT, I could eat it raw. Hmm now that's good stuff. In fact I think I'll take a trip to Nebraska where there is so much deer you need a semi-truck to bring back all the meat. I'll try out my new Linux powered Hunting Rifle on several of them. Just be careful your not there hugging one of them when I am. Or anywhere else that 90% of the Population that has a gun either.
Thanks have a great day.
Bob, the hunter.
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