Paypal can be called the eCurrency fueling the online commerce allowing payments and money transfers to be made through the Internet, powered by 73 million active users it operates in 190 markets allowing customers to send, receive, and hold funds in 19 currencies worldwide including India. However, for some unknown reasons Paypal has now blocked personal payments to be sent to or from India - add to that they are reversing transactions made during past two days sending back the money to senders automatically.

Users are being sent the following email leaving them with no option but to watch money fly-out from their accounts.
Your payment of XXXX has been sent back to the sender of the payment.
We reversed this payment because we have stopped allowing personal payments to be sent to or from India.
If this was a payment for a purchase of goods or services, and not a personal payment, then you may contact the buyer and have him or her resend the payment as follows: (a) click the Send Money tab, (b) select "Goods," and (c) provide a shipping address.
If this payment was a personal payment such as a gift, then we have requested that the sender find another payment method until we restore personal payments to and from India.
We are trying to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and we're sorry for any inconvenience.
Thank you,
Update : They are even making your Paypal balance negative, this is surely going to get ugly.

how does i used this
Paypal Reversing Money
Actually as far as I know it's the problem with VbV.As SBI and may be some other banks have withdrawn this facility from their cards.
Personal Payments To and From India
Personal payments to and from India have been suspended while we address some questions from our business partners. You can still make commercial payments. We're trying to resolve the situation as quickly as possible and we're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
My client sent me payment under services option still it was reversed and he cannot see reversed money in his account and my account is in negative, so we are at loss on both ends :(
Hi Anuj
Hi Anuj,
Instead of saying it "Personal payments to and from India have been suspended while we address some questions from our business partners."
Please let us know why it is not informed. Does it cost you all a big money mailing to your customer??
Even not the personal payment commercial payment also reversed. As there is no track wether that is done as service or personal. I don't want to debate on that. But you all should inform your customer before applying any rules.
Do you think you people become super power in the world.
Do you people think you are the only one who can do money transfer work.
my account is not verified..
Dear Anuj,
Could you tell me tht my account is not what can i do to receive payment in india i had earen from ptc. so let me know wht can i do to receive payment and get my account verified
paypal reversal
This is actually weird. People are left with a helpless feeling. We dont know what to do. This is so frustrating and why has this happened to Indian subcontinent? We have been religiously using paypal and paypal cannot do this to their loyal customers. How long do you think the issue will take to resolve?
Can Anybody know how to solve this??
Hello Folks,
I do Freelancing work and in every hour i am getting notification of reversal!
Can anybody tell me what the hell paypal doing!
OMG my pp is from India let me check IT
emm still no negative balance . Of god XD
Paypal negative balance
Hi Guys,
Still my paypal acc balance is in negative. How to rectify ?
plz help out..
Paypal sucks!
I keep money in paypal. I have been buying goods in ebay. I have done lots of transaction in paypal. And now they start reversing my payments! And how can they do it suddenly without any notice? They surely suck big time!
Paypal Issues and Crisis
Hi All,
I request you all to raise your voice to the top management of paypal. I have made a sheet of 110 contacts of the top paypal executives! I request you to send in your complaints and post your response here!
ADMIN NOTE : Link removed due to security risks, if you need to share them pls. use and post.
Update to PayPal situation in India
Just wanted to let everyone know that we’ve posted an update to the PayPal situation in India on our blog with additional details:
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