Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Sun, 11/27/2011 - 06:05
For some unknown and strange reasons my "Windows 7" installation stopped recognizing my DVD drive and "Windows Device Manager" showed an exclamation icon next to the DVD/CD-ROM drive, on further opening the device properties page the error shown is :
"Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19)"
The error signifies that an registry error has occurred with the device in question, you can find a working solution as demonstrated below.

To fix this registry related Windows device driver error (Code 19), follow the steps as below :
- Navigate to Start -> Run and type "REGEDIT" and click "OK" to launch the Windows Registry Editor.
- Once started click "File" in menu bar and then Click "Export" from the drop down menu, now save the registry backup (All) just in-case things go bad.
- Now from the faulty device driver properties page, make note of the "Device class GUID" as shown below.
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> System -> CurrentControlSet -> Control -> Class key inside windows registry editor and then click the "GUID" noted down in step above, you will see something like below - select the "UpperFilters" and "LowerFilters" keys and delete them.
- Reboot your computer and the problem should be fixed.
Fix errors
Can I suggest a simpler solution (which worked for my kids comp(XP SP3)? Download " - Windows Repair (All in One) v1.5.2". Unpack( u dont have to install it). Go to the 5th stage & ONLY CLICK THE REPAIR cd/dvd Drive option. once it`s done, re-start if asked to. & it worked for us. IF it works for u, good, else try the complicated options.
{I can`t recommend the other repair options with tweaking, coz like all the reg cleaner-type software, it can create complications). Best o luck.
Best DVD Converter. Must convert potected DVDs
Need Help
I don't have no
I don't have no ''UpperFilters'' or "LowerFilters" there. Now do i have to throw my pc out of the window? (I live on a 5th floor apartment)
Thanks, this even worked in
Thanks, this even worked in Boot Camp--although there was only one filter to delete. Still worked though!
Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configurat
Hi Guys,
most of the info on the web about how to solve this problem revolves around the CD/DVD ROM drive. Any advice for solving this same problem with the Lenovo g560 built-in Webcam (Lenovo easy camera)??
What i've tried thus far:
Update Drivers - Drivers up to date
Uninstall/reinstall webcam
uninstall/reinstall usb ports
nothing works thus far.
Please help!
Thank You!!
This worked for my usb driver! Had to use only ps2 keyboard to fix... Thank you!!!
I don't have no ''UpperFilters'' or "LowerFilters" there.
Is there something else that I can do. I have a Dell Inspiron windows 7 64bit
Registry Editor
I got all the way to the last step but i did not see upper and lower filters as an option
Thank you
thanks very much for the solution it worked for me, i got a connection problem with NPort Windows device manager
Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot!
Thax this worked
It really worked on my Thinkcentre desktop using windows 8, I had no upper filter, I only delete the lower filter and reboot. Problem solved.
Thank you
Thank you. Uninstalling NCH Software's Debut screen recorder borked up my sound in win 10. This helped restore it back.
Solution did not work for me
Hi I have recently updated to windows 10 and have this issue. I have done all of the recommended solutions I have found on the web. Deleted the upper filters as that is all I had there. Uninstalled, reinstalled, updated drivers, had the latest. My registry has no set value for the 'default' value as it does in the picture of the register above. Could this be why my DVD is not working?
Thanks in advance.
LG G4 android
Thanks man, that worked nicely, I couldn't connect my phone to the PC. It really helped a lot! Cheers.
Glad to hear it helped you :)
Glad to hear it helped you :)
thanks it worked perfectly
thanks it worked perfectly for me. i have windows 10 so guys if you want to change it to *device class guid* it is not available n windows 10 so change it into ust *class guid*.hope it works for everyone
Thanks it worked pefectly
Thanks its so help full,
My Problem is Sound card is yellow flag, after read this articel the problem has fixed.
USB driver not working and not recognice any usb devices
sir I am using Lenovo Z50 I have problem with the USB .My Didnt recognice any Usb devives so what should I do please tell me solution .
and showing the error in section opening an control panel>hardware and sound > universal serial bus showing the error is (Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19))
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