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Toluu - Smart Collaborative RSS Discovery, 50 Invites For Our Readers

ToluuToluu is a new collaborative RSS discovery service creating buzz allover, the free service allows users to easily share feeds with friends and discover new feeds based on their interests, the best thing about the service is that it lets you work with your RSS reader recommending feeds.

Toluu Feeds

Using the service can't be easier then this, you simply import your OPML file and start benefiting from the service, a bookmarklet makes adding new feeds as easy as it can get. The free service is currently in private beta and needs an invite code to register, Toluu has provided 50 invites for our blog readers to try things out, to get an invite simply comment on this post with your email address.


Hey, can I get an invitation, please?

Email: gamerharis[A]

Looks very cool. Could I get one too please?

email is jdm_dixon[A]

Invites sent !

i like this send me one

send me one

looks good, can you send one to ben [at]

All requested invites sent.

please send an invite to tarik [at]


Check your mailbox Toluu invite sent.

Would it be possible to still get an toluu invite sent to mephitic[SPAMPROOF]


Sent ! :)

jpm.pablo at

Thank you

Invite Sent ! You never know Thanks in advance!

plz invite me also at
tnx bro

I would love to try this service, so if you have any invites left please send me one at
andr3jka [at]

All above sent :)

hurricanesfan (at) gmail dot com


All processed :)

Pls. add this blog;s feed as a Thank You.

Can I also get invite

my email address is ttoming(at)!

Thank you

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