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How To Flip And Write Text Upside Down

Text FlipperAfter reading the story title you might be thinking how can this be useful, although not much useful writing text upside-down can come in handy for creating strong passwords, encrypted download links, and cool geeky profile names.

How To Know Your System's Maximum RAM Usage And The Issue Of Windows XP Not Recognizing Full RAM Capacity

Few days ago I upgraded RAM on one of my computers to 4 GB, but to my surprise my Windows XP SP3 machine refused to recognize the full RAM and displayed only 2.87 GB as usable, further investigation on the problem revealed that although 32-Bit operating systems like Windows XP and Vista can address and support a maximum of 4 GB RAM but the operating system needs to reserve memory addressing space for hardware devices, so out of the total 4 GB addressing space the operating system is left with 4 GB minus the addressing space required for the current hardware configuration.

Windows XP RAM Display

However, according to this Microsoft Article Windows XP and Windows Vista can both address more RAM using the Physical Address Extension (PAE).

TuneUp Utilities 2009 Available For Download

TuneUp Utilities 2009Latest version of the popular Windows PC optimization suite "TuneUp Utilities 2009" is now available for downloading, being one of the most comprehensive PC optimization application suite, TuneUp Utilities 2009 offers all the required tools you will ever need for Windows maintenance as an easy to use, single streamlined solution, the all new TuneUp Utilities 2009 makes use of an much improved intelligent optimization approach by analyzing individual PC configuration to tune-up the Windows system delivering the maximum performance.

TuneUp Utilities 2009 Main Screen

Downgrade iPhone Firmware 2.2 To 2.1

Apple iPhone Firmware 2.2 is out now and if you ignored the do not upgrade warning for jailbroken iPhones, you must be sitting with a bricked phone by now. Sadly, since iPhone firmware update v 2.2 also updates baseband there is no easy way to restore back to firmware v 2.1, However, one of our reader Keith managed to downgrade his iPhone 3G to version 2.1 after updating to 2.2, He was kind enough to send us the full procedure as follows.

For downgrading iPhone Firmware 2.2 To an earlier version you will need to downgrade the baseband and firmware, for this following software are needed:

  1. ZiPhone patched by kIREmK (Pls. read this comment).
  2. PwnageTool 2.2.
  3. Apple iTunes.
  4. Firmware IPSW file : 2.1 firmware 3G or 2.1 firmware 2G.

Once you have got all the above softwares, follow the process below:

Free Video Joiner With Fast And Easy Video Conversion

We have blogged about Freeware Video Splitter solution earlier on this blog, But if you are looking for a fast and free video joiner with ability to convert video to different format's here is the perfect solution - "Free Video Joiner" is as simple as its name sounds, the single screen interface offers basic functionality but gets the job done fast and easy.


Free Video Joiner
supports AVI, MOV, WMV, MOV and MPEG video formats for input and can output to AVI, WMV, MOV, MP4, DVD, VCD, iPod, iPhone, Zune and PSP compatible video formats covering all popular devices and video formats.

Install Original Windows Vista Sidebar On Windows XP With Full Support For Gadgets

If you are looking for a Windows Vista like experience on XP then you can try "Windows Vista Transformation Pack" shared earlier, but like me if you just want to get the cool looking functional Windows Vista sidebar and gadgets working on Windows XP computer, you should get the original Windows Vista sidebar tweaked to work on Windows XP by joshoon at DevianArt.

Windows Vista Sidebar On XP

This original Windows Vista sidebar works fine on Windows XP provding full support for all gadgets from the Live Gallery, the sidebar makes use of Alky's DirectX 10 for Windows XP (included in the download) to make this functional on Windows XP.

Windows XP SP3 TCP/IP Patch To Increase Maximum Half Open Connection Limit

By default Windows XP allows a maximum of 10 half open connections at a time, this limit is implemented as a security feature to slow-down spreading of internet-worms in-case the user machine gets infected, if your network use is crossing this limit your computers event-log will show the following Event:

EventID 4226: TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of concurrent TCP connect attempts.

This limit can slow down your internet access specially Peer-2-Peer applications like BitTorrent which require connecting to several peers for optimal performance, to increase this limit for speedy torrent downloading you need to patch the Windows TCP/IP system driver file, If your have already patched your TCPIP.sys file and updated your computer to Windows XP Service Pack 3, you should re-patch it using the free TCP/IP patcher for Windows XP.

TCP/IP Connection Limit Patch

Fixing Network Access Denied Error On Windows Computers

If you are using Windows XP or Vista and the network machine running Windows XP is refusing your attempt for access via network displaying "Access is denied" or "You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions." error as shown below, just follow the simple registry hack to fix it.

Network Access Denied

SoliCall - Personalized Noise Reduction For Clearing Background Noise During Your Phone Calls

If you are looking for a free solution to get rid of unwanted background noise while talking with your PC microphone this post is for you, SoliCall the developers of unique patent-pending personalized noise reduction technology offers free software for personal use allowing users to reduce unwanted background noises during IM and VOIP calls, SoliCall’s advance algorithm works by identifying the speaker’s voice and extracting it from the audio signal delivering better quality clean audio as output.


Extend Microsoft Window's Picture & Fax Viewer To Support More Than 200 Image Formats

Windows XP features embedded Picture & Fax Viewer for quick viewing of your images, However, the handy utility only supports common popular image formats like JPEG, GIF, and BMP making it necessary to install other multi-format image viewers like ACDSee or XnView, but not anymore free Windows Utility ImageXtender let you hack Windows XP standard Picture & Fax Viewer to support more then 200 known graphics extensions.

Imagextender Shell Picture View

You just need to install ImageXtender and it patches the default viewer to support the new image formats, the process of viewing images would remain the same allowing you to view all image formats in three different viewing modes - Preview, Thumbnails and Filmstrip.

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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