As we all know, there are lots of websites on internet that are geographically restricted, for example there is Netflix with lots of movies and TV shows that is available only in few countries. Wazzmedia creators live in country where Netflix, Hulu, Pandora and any other website similar to those three are restricted. And a lot of us know that feeling when you try vpn tunnels or proxy server, that simply isn't fast enough to stream this media content without buffering or high quality experience. So Wazzmedia was born. It is a simple Chrome/Firefox extension that sorts traffic and does it very cleverly so that you can access for example Netflix without any loss in streaming speed whatsoever. It streams media content directly from content provider to your computer. So it is so much faster than any proxy, peer to peer proxy or vpn tunnel.
Using extension is very easy, you just install, turn it on by clicking on it to turn the extension icon colored. And that's it, you can now go to any before restricted website and it will just work. Simple as that.
Wazzmedia is $2.79 per month or $27.90 per year and first 5 days are completely free. But we are giving you (Megaleecher reader) 6 months for free, thats (180 days for free).