Virtualization servers have been around for well over a decade — nearly two, if you virtual-lovers out there can believe it — but to countless users in the industry, the technology still seems alien and new. However, with the growing reliance on the cloud and utilization of servers by businesses and personal uses alike, virtualization is becoming an unavoidable issue in IT departments around the world. As with any new tech, the most pressing conversation regarding virtual environments is undoubtedly one of security.
Most IT professionals agree that virtual servers aren’t necessarily less secure than traditional servers; in fact, many of them are more secure, considering their isolation and dependence on a single host. But, misunderstandings and laziness can easily put any server — virtual or physical — at risk of a dangerous breach. New adopters may have several misconceptions about what it takes to maintain a virtual server to prevent disasters. Here are the real security threats any virtual server may face and what to do to about them before they become a problem.