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50 GB Free Secure Online Backup Space With File-Sharing Enabled

ADrive Online BackupIf Windows SkyDrive's 5 GB of free online storage is not sufficient for your needs, ADrive is offering a massive 50 GB of free secure online storage with file-sharing enabled, and unlike Mediamax 25 GB free storage offer with download limit, there is no such

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1 And Firefox 4 Alpha 1 Released For Download

Browser War We wrote about Microsoft preparing to release IE8 Beta 1 yesterday, and they released it today (link at the end of the post), Interestingly enough Firefox 4 Alpha 1 also got released today, the browser war seems all set to heat up once again.

Internet Explorer 8
looks promising this time, but Firefox is surely taking the lead, with Firefox 4 supporting Javascript 2 already into the pipeline, the future seems to be with Firefox.

Get Free 1 Year Subscription To McAfee VirusScan Plus

Free Anti-Virus Protection
AOL is giving away one year of free subscription to "McAfee® VirusScan Plus – Special edition" worth $39.99, You just need to signup for a free AOL email ID to take benefit of the offer (special link at the end of the post).

Free Anti-Virus

"McAfee® VirusScan Plus – Special edition" comes with virus protection, an anti-spyware solution and a firewall to make your digital world safer.

Watch Higher Quality Videos On YouTube

YouTube has started testing higher quality videos, all videos are not yet available in higher resolutions but should in the upcoming days, to try things out you need to append a special parameter to the existing video URL, appending &fmt=6 to the URL delivers a 448x336 resolution version of the video and appending &fmt=18 delivers a even better 480x360 resolution version, do keep in mind that higher quality videos need a lot of bandwidth and are not yet available for all the videos.

VisualCV - The NextGen Online Resume Maker

VisualCV is the next generation of online resume services, VisualCV makes your resume come alive with interactive features letting you add video, pictures, audio-clips, work samples and other supporting documents. Informational pop-ups provide background data on the companies you’ve worked at and the colleges you’ve attended.

Orkut Trick To Post Link Without Image Verification

If you write a scrap with a URL in it, Orkut requires you to complete the image verification (CAPTCHA), however if you post any URL within the Google network you are not required to do so, this flaw can be used to post url's bypassing the image verification.

What Is Opera Dragonfly !

The DragonFly teaser page at Opera's website has started a wave of speculations in the blogger community about what exactly it is, bloggers have started posting about the teaser providing good publicity for the upcoming product, all kind of rumors have started, some predicting it as a set of developmental tools and some as "Opera 10", however blog post from David, Chief Web Opener at Opera stating DragonFly as "It won’t directly affect everybody, but will hopefully become inval

Microsoft To Push Internet Explorer 8 Private Beta To Public

IE 8Two days ago we posted about release of Internet Explorer 8 Beta to Microsoft Connect users for private testing, now it is being reported that Microsoft is pushing the private Beta to public according to an internal mail, pointing out that the release is “focused on the developer community”.

How To Disable Annoying Javascript Code In Webpages Like Disabled Right Click Menu

If you are a regular web surfer you must have encountered annoying webpages disabling right-click menu, moving and resizing windows, hiding status bar and having all sorts of fancy scrolling status bar texts, However, Firefox provides users an easy way to stop these common javascript annoyances.

Disabled Right-Click On Webpages

Just Follow the simple steps below to enhance you web-browsing experience:

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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