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Watch Hand Picked Indian Movies Online Legally For Free At Cinemas Of India

NDFC logoIt's raining free online streaming movies for Indian users, after Youtube and Spuul, we have yet another streaming portal Cinemas Of India offering some excellent curated list of films that have been digitally restored. These movies can be enjoyed from anywhere from the world instantly in high quality for free and without requiring any registration.

Free hindi movies

[Video] Calling NSA for retrieval of accidentally deleted email ?

A lot got exposed about NSA snooping, intercepting and storing our e-mail's by Edward Snowden. Taking this fact into account, one guy decided to do a prank and called NSA about loosing an e-mail asking them for it's backup !!

Do watch the Part-I and Part-II of this viral youtube video shared below.

SpyNet from NSA

Watch Streaming Indian TV Shows And Movies Online For Free

Spuul the online video streaming portal provides free and paid access to streaming video content targeted to Indian languages all around the world legally. Users were able to enjoy high-quality, streaming Hindi movies online using their portal from any computer, and native applications for Google Android and Apple iOS platforms on mobile phones. The service is now also streaming Star Plus TV serials for users to enjoy anywhere, anytime. Spuul has now partnered with Star TV to stream their shows online 30 minutes after they are aired in India, users can access all shows for free and the service will be ad-supported.

Indian TV Show Streaming

Free 10 Terabyte's Of Cloud Storage With Native Mobile App Support

Recently flickr upgraded free image storage quota to a full Terabyte, but now Chinese tech company Tencent has played their card taking the game to a whole new level. The company announced a shocking 10TB worth of free storage on their cloud storage service (Weiyun) for everyone, the best part is you get native mobile apps for Apple iOS and Google Android platforms to access the storage on your mobile devices.

10TB worth of free cloud storage

Firest0rm - Another Apple iOS 6.1.4 Jailbreak Scam

Scamming users looking for Apple iOS 6.1.3+ jailbreak is something we covered earlier, and it seems the trend is here to stay with another entry named Firest0rm claiming to offer untethered Jailbreak for iOS 6.1.4 & even iOS 7. Using the same modus-operandi as earlier, the perpetrators of this scam asks users to download their utility asking them to complete a survey to unlock the zip file containing the Apple iOS 6.1.4 and iOS 7 untethered jailbreak which is nothing but fake/dummy. This is not all, as suggested by many comments in the previous post this could even be a virus/malware and can harm users computers - so the bottom line is stay from it.

Firest0rm Jailbreak

How to file RTI Application Online

Good news for Indians, the powerful anti-corruption utility for citizens "The Right to Information Act (RTI) Of India" applications can now be filled and paid for online. The act allows increased transparency and greater accountability for the government as it enables Indian citizens to ask for information from any Indian constitutional authorities, including the executive, legislature and judiciary; any institution or body established or constituted by an act of Parliament or a state legislature. The process to get this information got more easier as now users can file RTI applications and first appeals online along with the applicable payment. The online payment can be made through internet banking of SBI & its associate banks and debit/credit cards of Mastercard and Visa.

RTI Online

Mysterious "Not Found" error on image access and solution to fix it

While debugging this blog's theme files I encountered an mysterious "404 Not Found" HTTP error for file when accessing the image file directly from the CDN. On further research it turned out this to be only specific when using "Chrome DevTools" which tries to load the file for debugging purposes, users won't be hitting this 404. It is also very easy to disable this JavaScript source maps completely from "Chrome DevTools" settings as shown below. error debugging

Firefox Beats All To Get Crown Of Being The Most Stable Web-browser

After taking the crown for being the "fastest web-browser" in the latest 2013 Tom's Hardware benchmarks, the free and open-source web-browser Firefox grabbed another feather for it's cap by being the most stable of the lot. Sauce Labs an automated selenium unit testing service provider, crunched their data of more then 55+ million test runs and plotted the web-browser crash rate letting users a glimpse into the most stable and most crash-prone web-browser as shown below.

Project Pipelight Finally Brings Netflix Streaming To Linux

Linux users were unable to enjoy, popular on-demand internet multimedia streaming service Netflix as it requires Microsoft Silverlight plugin, and the Mono-based 'Moonlight' implementation of Silverlight for Linux does not support the "Silverlight v 5 DRM".

With true spirit of Linux geekry, the developers of project "Pipelight" spun a Netscape plugin hack which allows Linux users to run windows only plugins inside any Netscape Plugin compatible web-browsers. Currently they have got Silverlight working with its core features like watching DRM protected videos.

Netflix For Linux
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