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Get Free 30 Minutes SkypeOut Credit Voucher

Skype is one of the most popular VOIP service provider, allowing users to make free Skype to Skype calls, however calls to fixed phones and cellphones is chargeable, but now you have a chance to get 30 minutes of free SkyOut credit by simply participating in a short survey that won't take more then a minute to complete.

Free Skype Credit Faster Captcha and PopUp Removal

NetLoad is one of the top (Alexa site rank : 330) free file-hosting service provider offering decent download speeds, but is very annoying to use because of the popunders and waiting times, but here is an easy to use solution for the problem - simply install this

Our Privacy Policy

We can be reached via e-mail at For each visitor to our Web page, our Web server automatically logs IP address and stores cookies on visitor computer,We collect aggregate information on what pages consumers access or visit, information volunteered by the consumer, such as survey information and/or site registrations.

Opera 9.5 With Haute Secure Anti-Malware Protection

Opera 9.5Opera released Beta 2 of their upcoming Opera 9.5 web-browser for public download, Opera is the most feature rich web-browser out-of-the-box, and Opera 9.5 is coming with another much sought after feature - inbuilt Anti-malware protection from Haute Secure (A well known community based malware database), Firefox 3 is the only other browser to have in-built anti-malware protection but it uses data from Google and StopBadware for blocking malicious webpages before it loads on your browser.

Cool New Interactive YourTube Videos

YouTube recently introduced functionality to create interactive videos with annotation, and results are starting to appear, with users using the functionality to create some brilliant interactive entertaining videos, click the image below to checkout this amazing interactive magic card trick.

All New Rapidshare.Com - New Design, New Features, New Download Limits !!

RapidshareFile-sharing service Rapidshare today unveiled there new logo and website design with new features, the new site is more appealing to the eyes and provides a much better experience in terms of usability, from now on "Rapidshare Premium Users" will be able to download 50 GB in five days instead of the earlier 25 GB limit, "Rapidshare Folders" is now "Rapidshare Link List" and has a new seprate administration for Free

Download "Big Buck Bunny" - High Quality Open Movie

Big Buck Money

Big Buck Bunny the second Open movie (released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license) after Elephants Dream is now available for download and online viewing, despite being a small budget free movie the quality is no-less then a commercial one.

Google Earth Browser Plug-in And API Released

Google has released Google Earth browser plugin allowing users to enjoy full 3D digital maps within webpages, using the Javascript API developers can make use of this powerful platform to develop interesting 3D map applications and embed them directly onto webpages requiring just the browser plugin on the user's end to work.

Google Earth Browser Plugin & API Video Demo

Using the API developers can draw markers and lines, drape images over the terrain, add 3D models, and even load KML files, allowing them to build highly sophisticated and advanced 3D map applications, existing Google Map's can be 3D enabled by simply adding a single line of code.

CPM Based Adsense For Feeds To Be Launched This Week

Google is definitely looking to expand its revenue sources, after allowing third-party advertisements onto its network, the company has announced the launch of Adsense for RSS feeds through Feedburner, starting with selected few publishers this week the company plans to roll-out the product to all publishers soon.

YouTomb - Tracking YouTube Removed Videos When, Why & By Whom

Ever wondered who is behind removal of videos you just wanted to see, but was presented by message saying the video was removed due to some kind of TOS violation, YouTomb - a research project by MIT Free Culture can provide you with some valuable stats, YouTomb continually monitors more then 225051 videos on YouTube for copyright-related takedowns.

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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