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Opera 9.5

Adding Additional Speed Dial Slots In Opera 9.5

One the most useful feature of Opera is Speed Dial, in earlier versions of Opera it was not possible to add additional speed dial slots but with the latest version this is achievable using a simple hack, just follow the instructions below to implement the hack.

Opera Speed Dial

Opera 9.5 With Haute Secure Anti-Malware Protection

Opera 9.5Opera released Beta 2 of their upcoming Opera 9.5 web-browser for public download, Opera is the most feature rich web-browser out-of-the-box, and Opera 9.5 is coming with another much sought after feature - inbuilt Anti-malware protection from Haute Secure (A well known community based malware database), Firefox 3 is the only other browser to have in-built anti-malware protection but it uses data from Google and StopBadware for blocking malicious webpages before it loads on your browser.

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