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Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Around The Corner, Getting Prepared For External Testing

Windows 7 SP1

Microsoft routinely provides a single installable package with collection of updates, fixes and/or enhancements for their software as Service Packs addressing common annoyances and adding new features to their products, After quite successful launch of company's latest operating-system Windows 7 it now seems that Microsoft is all-set to start external beta-testing of Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1), Blogger Rafael has found that as previously done a beta ‘candidacy check’ within Windows Update achieved via simple registry key and value pair needs to be done for getting authorized to download the new Windows 7 SP1 Update.

Windows 7 SP1 Download Registry Hack

Google Nexus One Expected International Price List

Google Phone Nexus OneGoogle Nexus One cellphone is expected to get revealed after two days on January 5, 2010 and after leaked pricing for USA more information on international retail-prices has now surfaced; the phone will be costing $529 for the unlocked version and $179 with a contract through T-Mobile in USA but will add considerable amount to the $529 figure thanks to taxes and duties - Country specific final price-list for Google Nexus One can be found after the jump.

Nexus One USA Pricing

RatioCheat : The New Way To Cheat Torrent Ratio

While the PirateBay and other public trackers are having problems with the authorities for copyright infringements many users are fleeing to private trackers to satiate their hunger for free media, However, These days not even private trackers seem immune to problems, ratio cheaters are using new tools to download faster and without having to upload back to the community - These users generally complain that the admins are "ratio fascists" and that the whole thing is more or less pointless since the BitTorrent protocol already rewards people for seeding.

Even the creator of BitTorrent Bram Cohen has come out against private tracker admins using ratios to ban people:

From Bram's Blog:

Some BitTorrent web sites have implemented upload/download ratios, with banning of people whose ratio gets too out of whack. The problem with this approach (aside from that it's completely unclear that not uploading is a problem to begin with, since tit-for-tat works well) is that it's overly punishing. Just a little bit of threatening to ban people can get the overall balance to be very heavily weighted on the side of uploading, making it difficult for people to accomplish a reasonable amount of upload even if they try.

We have shared tricks on how to cheat your torrent share ratio when in extreme need but all of them required users to download utilities like RatioFaker, RatioMaster, Tracker-Pro or GreedyTorrent but new free online service RatioCheat takes-care of your cheating needs without requiring download any utility on your computer.

Cheat Torrent Ratio

Adobe Photoshop CS5 To Offer PatchMatch - Advanced Algorithm To Perform Complex Image Editing Tasks With Ease

Adobe Photoshop CS5

Adobe Photoshop has always been the leader in image editing arena, however, using the popular image-editor even for basic-editing tasks like removing backgrounds or patching spots needs practice and know-how of the software but the upcoming version of Adobe Photoshop CS5 which will be a part of Adobe Creative Suite 5 is all set to make things simpler with introduction of smart content-aware image editing features better described as 'PatchMatch' - an algorithm which quickly finds approximate nearest neighbor matches between image patches.

Simple And Fast Image Patching Done Via PatchMatch

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Patch Match

Various PatchMatch Features In Action
Adobe Photoshop CS5

PatchMatch is lot more then simple patching or spot-removal, to get a better gist of what this new technology is capable of doing watch the video demos below to see it in action.

[Exclusive Invites] Lookout - Cloud Connected Utility With Security, Backup And Anti-theft Features For Mobile Devices

LookoutLookout a new cross-platform mobile device security, backup and anti-theft solution has opened its gates for public beta testing, I have been lucky to be on the iPhone private-beta from past few months but forgot to write the review and giveaway 50 exclusive invites for iPhone users which is still under private beta and is available to selected users only.

Lookout supports a wide-range of devices including Windows Mobile, iPhone (Private Beta), Android, Symbian, Balckberry, Palm, Samsung, Sony-Erricson and many other offering users complete peace of mind with inclusion of an advanced anti-virus, firewall, and intrusion prevention technologies; allowing backup of contacts, photos, video, e-mail, and text messages to the cloud, and in-case your device gets lost or stolen lets you locate your device (needs GPS), sound an alarm or even wipe your personal information remotely from the web.

Lookout Supported Devices

Opera 10.5 Pre-Alpha Download Now Available, Comes With New Snappier Carakan Javascript Engine

Opera 10.5Opera has always been the leader in innovating web-browser technologies and once again the Opera team has came-up with some promising stuff with public release of Opera 10.5 Pre-Alpha, the major new features worth mentioning here would be the all new JavaScript rendering engine Carakan which is touted to be 7x faster in benchmarks then it's predecessor Futhark used in current stable release of Opera 10.10, new Presto 2.5 engine with support for CSS3 transitions and transforms with more HTML5 features, new hardware accelerated VEGA graphics library and support for private tab (no need to open a window) apart from the new address-bar and other GUI enhancements.

Opera 10.5 Per Tab Privacy

Popular Anti-Malware Utility SUPERAntiSpyware Gets A Free Portable Version

SUPERAntiSpywareMalwareBytes and SUPERAntiSpyware are two effective utilities I often use to get rid of stubborn malwares from infected computers and they have never let me down when in need, the good news is now you can use SUPERAntiSpyware without installing it for a quick scan on target computer.

Portable SUPERAntiSpyware Malware Scanner

The company calls it SUPERAntiSpyware Online Safe Scan but actually it's more like a full-blown 9.35 MB portable download which requires no installation and leaves no traces behind, the good thing is it can be updated so you can have it with you on your portable drive for immediate rescue.

Test Drive And Learn Windows 7 Features From Your Web-Browser

Windows 7 Test DriveMicrosoft Windows 7 is getting some good sale figures and if you also planning to get switched on the new operating-system now you can test and learn the new features online right from your web-browsers - thanks to newly introduced Windows 7 Test Drive service from Microsoft which allows users and developers to experience Windows 7 running live on Microsoft servers in an safe virtual test-drive environment accompanied with supporting step-by-step walkthrough videos of it's features.

Try Windows 7 Online In A Virtual Machine

The free test-drive resource requires no special software installation and runs inside your web-browser (Internet Explorer) and needs a single Active-X installation to get started.

GooglePasswordDecryptor - Reveal Saved Passwords From Google Talk, Picassa, Desktop Search, Gmail Notifier, IE And Chrome

Revealing saved passwords behind asterisks from Web-browsers requires use of a simple javascript bookmarklet, but if you happen to have saved account passwords inside desktop software like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Google Talk, Picassa, Google Desktop Search or Gmail Notifier you can now retrieve the saved username/password combination in a single-click using free GooglePasswordDecryptor utility.

Retrieved Passwords

Security expert Nagareshwar Talekar's created this awesome utility which takes care of decrypting stored passwords from private encrypted store of these applications allowing users to retrieve saved passwords from multiple accounts with a single-click.

Nexus One - The Rumored Google Phone Now Officially Confirmed

Google PhoneMuch anticipated Google very own iPhone Killer "Google Phone" is now officially confirmed by the company, The phone named Nexus One will get manufactured by HTC for Google.

Although, not confirmed this is what the "Nexus One - Google Phone" is rumored to look like (HTC Passion).

Nexus One - The Google Phone Picture

Running the latest Android 2.1 operating system the phone is expected to be arriving in January 2010.

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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