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How to Protect Yourself from Cybercrime in 2022

As we move further into 2022, it's important to be aware of the dangers that come with being online. there were almost 500,000 fraud scams and over 300,000 cases of identity theft reported in the first four months of this year alone! That's a lot of people who lost money or had their identities stolen. The UN estimates that by the end of 2022, there will be nearly 5 billion internet users - so you can imagine how much worse things could get. In this blog post, we'll discuss some tips on how to protect yourself from cybercrime in this increasingly dangerous world.

What is Cybercrime?

Cybercrime is any crime that takes place online. This can include anything from identity theft and fraud, to hacking and cyberstalking. With so many people now working from home, there are more opportunities for criminals to target individuals or businesses.

GooglePasswordDecryptor - Reveal Saved Passwords From Google Talk, Picassa, Desktop Search, Gmail Notifier, IE And Chrome

Revealing saved passwords behind asterisks from Web-browsers requires use of a simple javascript bookmarklet, but if you happen to have saved account passwords inside desktop software like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Google Talk, Picassa, Google Desktop Search or Gmail Notifier you can now retrieve the saved username/password combination in a single-click using free GooglePasswordDecryptor utility.

Retrieved Passwords

Security expert Nagareshwar Talekar's created this awesome utility which takes care of decrypting stored passwords from private encrypted store of these applications allowing users to retrieve saved passwords from multiple accounts with a single-click.

Learn How To Hack Computers, Emails, Websites And Applications

HackingHacking is an art and can be used for both offense and defense, for pro-active defense you need to know hacker tactics for securing yourself/organization against hacking, there exists a very thin line of hacker ethics distinguishing between a WhiteHat and a BlackHat hacker, I have always been very curious in learning this dark art for ethical purpose and finally got hold of "The Secret Of Hacking" - Ethical hacking course, unlike other outdated ebooks and basic courses this one is authored by an established Government recognized Indian security company and really packs a punch with all aspects of hacking and securing as promised on the sales page.

Best Hacking Book And Course

The course comes with one printed book and two DVD's having more then 14500 security related tools and 200+ Hacking E-books/Videos, the best part is that you get a lifetime membership with access to an ever growing collection of videos and technical support.

New Gmail Security Flaw Allows Phisher's Steal User Login Details

In past, researchers have found various XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerabilities in Google services allowing hackers to gain un-authorized access to users accounts which are now patched, but in an entirely new type of "Frame Injection Vulnerability" found by Adrian Pastor of the GNUCitizen, the researcher displayed how attackers can create authentic-looking spoof pages meant to steal user login information, the exploit allows attackers to inject third-party content into Google pages bypassing phising filters.

Gmail Hacking

Adrian posted proof-of-concept (do not enter any login info here) of this new exploit allowing him to inject fake Gmail login frame inside Google pages hosted on domain, the result page looks legitimate as the domain displayed in user address bar is increasing the hackers chances of getting the login data.

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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