Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Sun, 09/09/2007 - 15:21
Here is yet another wonderful free and open source alternative to a paid service, many of the webmaster must have heard about paid service Browsercam used to test webpages under different browsers and screen resolutions.
![Free Webpage Test In Different Browsers](
BrowserShots is a free solution to browsercam, When you submit your web address, it will be added to the queue, A number of volunteered distributed computers will then open your website in their browser. Then resultant screenshots will get uploaded to the central server at BrowserShots.Org where end results can be seen.
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New browser screenshot service
You may want to take a look at this new service
Since it is not a web service, but an application there is no need to wait at all and the interface is much more convenient. The downside is that it’s a new service which is currently in a very early beta stage and only a handful of browsers are supported.
At any rate, I thinks this new service is worth keeping an eye on, as it is being actively developed and new features as well as new browsers will be added in the future.
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