Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Tue, 10/02/2007 - 14:36

After Web 2.0 its time for Desktop 2.0, 360desktop is a new service currently in BETA allows you to grab all your favorite web apps and content like web widgets, RSS feeds, AJAX start pages, or a web page and make them available any time, in an expanded photo-panoramic desktop.

360desktop extends your Windows® desktop as a user generated, photo-panoramic space and delivers a personalized web, free of the browser, into a virtually unlimited desktop. You can import images from Flickr, MySpace, Photobucket and more, to create 360's online and embed any web content for multimedia 360mashups.
360 Desktop In Action:
Orales!! ke guen programa :)
Um ...
buy another screen and limit yourself to two. Much less hassle.
This will only ever be of niche and geek appeal. Sorry.
Hi Man
How do i download this dude, Please help me, My email id is,
Lamer, read the story its not downloadable and is in CLOSED BETA...
nice thanks
nice thanks
I was in the beta
Applyed about 1 year ago yes it that old if not older
when i got in i was all pumped up and shit but i think
that the idea is good put the product sucks i might
re try the 2.0 beta version but i dont think so
Open Now
The closed beta has been lifted and its in Open beta now
SWEEEET i've only ever seen
SWEEEET i've only ever seen this in Linux and Mac
This is the one sorta thing I've been dying for on Windows
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